Influence of Resources Availability on Implementation of Rural Electrification Projects Within Central Rift Region in Kenya
►Methodius Njoroge Kiarie (Corresponding Author)
►Christopher Gakuu
►Harriet Kidombo
►Augustine Mwangi Gatotoh
Received: 27 March, 2024
Final Revision: 13 August, 2024
Accepted: 22 August, 2024
Published: 25 September 2024
Resources availability is a key institutional determinant that has been examined in respect to its influence on project implementation traits. The institutional resources can be categorized as all capabilities, assets, firm attributes, organizational processes, information and knowledge possessed by a firm that enables it to conceive and implement strategies efficiently and effectively. The objective of the study was to establish the influence of resources availability on implementation of rural electrification projects within central rift region in Kenya. This study made use of pragmatism research paradigm. This study used the correlational research design. The target population is a critical aspect of the research methodology. The unit of analysis for the study is the 646 projects covered by the rural electrification program in Central Rift Region under Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Corporation (REREC). The unit of observation was the staff drawn from the 73 labor and transport project contractors/sub-contractors, their project managers and supervisors making 219 respondents. The study used Taro Yamane formula to get a sample size of 142. Data was collected using structured questionnaire. The study examined the correlation between resources availability for project implementation and implementation of rural electrification projects. Resources availability (β = .654, p < .001), the results indicated that involving stakeholders in the project planning and implementation process can leverage the positive effects of institutional determinants such as government policies, regulations, and funding, thereby increasing the success rate9of rural electrification projects. The model with the interaction effect had a significant improvement in predicting the dependent variable (F (3, 112) = 14.74, p < .001), and the R2 increased from 0.30 for model 1 to 0.42 for model 2, which also included the interaction effect. The results indicated that there was significant positive correlation (r=0.654, p<0.01) between the two variables. This suggests that when resources are more readily available for project implementation, the likelihood of successful implementation of rural electrification projects increases. For the rural electrification project implementation study, the observed t-value for the independent variable resources availability is 0.25 with a p-value of 0.00, indicating that the coefficient is statistically significant that is t(116) = 0.25, p = 0.01. The unstandardized regression coefficient for the constant is 1.250 and for resources availability for project implementation is 0.64. This indicates that for every unit increase in resources availability for project implementation, there is an average increase of 0.64 units in the dependent variable Project Implementation. In conclusion, the results of the t-test and unstandardized regression coefficients suggest that resource availability has a significant impact on rural electrification project implementation. Organizations involved in rural electrification projects must ensure that adequate resources are available for effective project implementation to achieve success.
Keywords: resources availability, project implementation, institutional resources, rural Electrification, project management
Assessing the Implementation of Universal 1Test and1 Treat Services and Health Benefits for HIV Patients in Healthcare Facilities in Nairobi, Kenya
►Mutie Mwikali Jacinta Author)
►Lydia Wambugu
►Raphael Nyonja
►Reuben Kikwatha
Received: 27 March, 2024
Final Revision: 21 August, 2024
Accepted: 28 August, 2024
Published: 24 September 2024
This study examines the implem2entation of Universal Test and Treat (UTT) for HIV--positive individuals in Kenya, a strategy commonly referred to as Treatment as Prevention (TaSP). UTT is globally recognized for its effectiveness in reducing HIV disease progression, mortality, and transmission. Kenya's high HIV burden accounts for 4% of global infections and a prevalence rate of 5% by the end of 2022, as the country faces significant challenges in fully implementing UTT. The research attempted to respond the question, to1 what extent dooes the implementation of the universal test and treat policy support health benefits for HIV patients? Using the Theory of Change as a framework, the research employed a mixed--methods approach, surveying healthcare workers through a cross--sectional descriptive survey design. The findings revealed convergent views on the benefits of UTT therapy, a moderate positive correlation, and a significant relationship between the implementation of UTT and increased health benefits. Implications in practice, programs should enhance the delivery of same-day ART initiation through simplified drug regimens to maximize patient adherence and outcomes. Policies that promote UTT could significantly enhance the quality of care through uninterrupted implementation. The use of mixed methods provided a comprehensive understanding of the impact of test-and-treat services. The study observed that developing tools to address potential limitations in the care cascade is crucial for enhancing the effectiveness of UTT and improving the overall management of HIV in Kenya.
Keywords: Universal Test and Treat, , Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Health Benefits, Healthcare workers, and Health Facilities
Exploring the Dynamics Between Leverage and Systematic Risk of Equity Stocks: The Mediating Influence of Profitability and the Moderating Impact of Firm Size
►Wadumesthrige Don Lalith Siriwardena (Corresponding Author)
► Yatiwelle Koralalage Weerakoon
► Pullkkutti Arachchilage Niluka Surangi Anuradha
Received: 11 June, 2024
Final Revision: 25 September, 2024
Accepted: 01 October, 2024
Published: 31 October, 2024
This inquiry embarks on a rigorous examination of the existing scholarly works to unravel the complex interplay between leverage and the inherent systematic risk on equity stocks, shedding light on how profitability mediates this relationship and how firm size further influences these dynamics in an organizational scale throughout many decades spanning 1979 to 2024. The study has three key objectives. 1). To aggressively examine and critically analyze prior studies that have explored the relationship between leverage and the systematic risk of equity stocks. 2). To meticulously scrutinize and evaluate studies exploring the intermediary impact of profitability on the correlation between leverage and the systematic risk of equity stocks. 3). To uncover previous studies that have examined the credible moderating effect of company size on the relationship between leverage and systematic risk of equity stock. Inquiry adopted the PRISMA 2020 benchmark in systematic review of the meticulous dissection of numerous prior studies and adoption ensured a structured and advanced academic approach in examining and synthesizing the extant body of literature. The findings starkly reveal a critical void in scholarly literature regarding exhaustive examinations of the intricate interplay between leverage and systematic risk in equity stocks. This void is glaringly evident due to the absence of a consolidated and robust framework that accommodates the diverse array of this study context. The mediating role of profitability in this relationship is largely unexplored across multiple contexts. Additionally, the moderating role of company size in the relationship between leverage and systematic risk has not been widely studied within a unified model.
Keywords: Operating Leverage, Financial Leverage, Systematic Risk, Equity Stock, Profitability, Firm Size
Why Nations Respond to COVID-19 Pandemic Differently? An Undesirable Output Data Envelopment Analysis Model
►C. Christopher Lee
► Muhamed S. Ahmad
► Heechang Shin
► Benjamin S. Lee
►Soomin Park (Corresponding Author)
Received: 11 June, 2024
Final Revision: 25 September, 2024
Accepted: 01 October, 2024
Published: 31 October, 2024
This study analyzes the efficiency of 122 countries in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic, using an Undesirable Output Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) model. The research identifies critical factors influencing national efficiency, including testing rates, healthcare infrastructure, and socioeconomic conditions. The study finds a strong correlation between higher testing rates and increased efficiency, underscoring the importance of widespread testing in pandemic management. Developed countries, particularly those with universal healthcare systems, generally exhibited greater efficiency in handling the pandemic compared to their less developed counterparts. These findings highlight the role of robust healthcare systems and strategic investments in public health in enhancing national resilience against global health crises. In addition, the study addresses gaps in the current research by integrating multiple factors and analyzing their collective impact on national responses. The results emphasize the necessity for policymakers to prioritize healthcare infrastructure, expand testing capacities, and ensure universal healthcare coverage to improve pandemic preparedness and response. This research contributes to the ongoing debate on global health security by providing empirical evidence that supports the need for comprehensive strategies to manage future pandemics effectively.
Keywords: COVID-19 Pandemic, Efficiency, Data Envelopment Analysis, Universal Health Care System, OECD, COVID-19 Testing
Moderating Effect of Project Environment on Financial and Contract Management Practices and Construction Cost Overruns in Real Estate Project
► Joanne Akinyi Kepher (Corresponding Author)
► Charles Mallans Rambo
► Raphael Ondeko Nyonje
Received: 20 May, 2024
Final Revision: 4 September, 2024
Accepted: 12 October, 2024
Published: 03 November, 2024
Understanding the complex relationship between a project's environment, financial governance, and community involvement is crucial for managing construction costs in real estate. This research work, therefore, seeks to identify the extent of moderation of project environment on the association of the financial and contract management practices with cost overrun in real estate construction projects. The results of the multiple linear regression analysis as well as the Pearson correlation coefficient were significant; this indicates that the project environment had a moderating effect on the relationship between financial and contract management practices and the occurrence of cost overruns in real estate projects. Future research should explore additional variables to gain a more comprehensive view of construction cost overruns.
Keywords: Project Environment, Financial Governance, Community Involvement, Construction Cost Overruns
Green Organizational Culture and Firm’s Environmental Performance: Assessing the role of Green Innovation, Environmental Management Accounting and Environmental Strategy
► Qingmei Tan (Supervisor)
► Kamran Ali (Corresponding Author)
► Muhammad Abubakar Tahir
► Muhammad Haroon Rasheed
Received: 10 May, 2024
Final Revision: 16 October, 2024
Accepted: 30 October, 2024
Published: 27 November 2024
Firms are increasingly focusing on competitiveness and sustainability by reducing environmental costs and achieving sustainable development. This study is to scrutinize the impact of green organizational culture on green innovation, environmental management accounting and environmental strategy, and their impact on environmental performance. This Study employed a quantitative research approach to empirically test the theoretical model of the study. Data were collected from a sample of 253 respondents in Pakistani manufacturing firms and analyzed using Smart-PLS 4. The findings reveal that green organizational culture significantly predicts environmental management accounting, environmental strategy, and, subsequently, environmental performance. However, green innovation does not significantly affect environmental performance. Moreover, environmental management accounting and environmental strategy play significant mediating roles in these associations, while green innovation emerges as an insignificant mediator. These empirical insights contribute to the Natural Resource-Based View literature and offer practical recommendations for improving environmental performance, thereby advancing sustainable goals, particularly with regard to environmental concerns
Keywords: Green Organizational Culture, Green Innovation, Environmental Management Accounting, Environmental Strategy, Environmental Performance.
Green Practices to Enhance Firm performance: The Moderating Role of Organizational Green Culture
► Muhammad Abubakr Tahir
► Fahad Zain (Corresponding Author)
► Kamran Ali
Received: 23 June, 2024
Final Revision: 18 September, 2024
Accepted: 31 October, 2024
Published: 28 November, 2024
Environmental degradation is a global issue. At present, more than mere profitability is needed for businesses; environmental impacts must also be considered. So, due to social pressures and regulations, businesses must balance environmental sustainability and economic growth. For this, industrialists and academics focus on green aspects. Drawing upon the natural resource-based view theory (NRBVT), the study examines the impact of green human capital (GHC) and green supply chain management (GSCM) on firm performance (FP) with green innovation (GI) as a mediator. Moreover, it explores the neglected moderating role of organizational green culture (OGC). FP is measured as a higher-order construct of two distinct dimensions: environmental and financial performance. GHC, GSCM, GI and OGC are measured as lower-order constructs. The researchers utilized a cross-sectional design for this study. Primary data were collected (online and offline) from managers of the textile industry via questionnaire. A cover letter was attached to the questionnaire detailing the study's objectives and instructions for its completion. Three hundred six complete responses were collected and analyzed using Smart-PLS 3.2.9 (variance-based software). The findings confirm that GHC, GSCM, and GI positively and significantly impact on FP. Additionally, GI partially mediates between the links of GHC-FP and GSCM-FP. Moreover, the study confirms that OGC moderates the association between GI and FP. The study reveals that green resources are essential for textile performance. Managers should proactively implement ecological strategies within their businesses to improve performance.
Keywords: Firm Performance, Green Innovation, Organizational Green Culture, Green Supply Chain Management, Green Human Capital.