►Anis Mahomed Karodia, Paresh Soni and Stanton Thomas
Crony capitalism is the precursor to many of the woes of any country. It makes the rich richer and lessens the participation of the poor in the economy of any country, and thus automatically makes them poorer. This paper therefore, looks at crony capitalism from a South African viewpoint, in order to place into perspective the issues of development that are seriously compromised. In so doing the paper will attempt to look at some issues that affect development because of the scourge of crony capitalism. It would therefore, discuss the hidden billions of South Africa’s elite, which hampers progress and development, ushers in strikes and thus compromises stability and the economic balance of the country. That the billions of rands earned by chief executives could be used to promote and advance the issues of development, bring about stability in all sectors of the economy and, particularly in the mining sector of South Africa and issues that confront the poor. The paper expands the discussion by asking the question – Is South Africa’s left on the right road to socialism? It therefore explores the allegiance to Marxist – Leninism and statism and argues that that they are out of step with modern democratic practice. The paper also exemplifies the problems that confront Zimbabwe, in terms of its debt crisis due to overt cronyism and shows that Zimbabwe is at the crossroads of development with increasing poverty, unemployment and inequality, and is drowning in debt. It argues that it is crunch time for President Robert Mugabe and his ZANU political party.
Keywords: Crony Capitalism, Government, Emerging Markets, Elite, Liberation, Socialism, Marxist – Leninism, Democracy, Debt, Rhetoric, Redistribution, Industrial Policy
An Evaluation of the Factors Influencing the Performance of Registered Nurses at the National Referral Hospital in Namibia
►Soilkki Katrina Kamati, Nadeem Cassim and Anis Mahomed Karodia
The performance and efficiency of health workers play an important role for the success of any healthcare system. Nurses constitute the largest human resource element in Namibia’s healthcare sector, and contribute significantly to the overall healthcare of the nation. Their performance therefore, has a great impact on quality and efficiency of healthcare
Keywords: Registered Nurse, Health Worker, Performance Management, Healthcare Quality, Healthcare System, Motivation, Work Environment, Training.