The influence of Small Enterprises Websites on Users’ Satisfaction
►Jahjah Hallal
This study advocates that websites’ levels of applications/functions are a major determinant of customer satisfaction, and by extension, a determinant of the merit of a firm's e-commerce system. In particular, it aim is to inspect the potential influence of small enterprises website applications on visitor satisfaction. The model fashioned for this research outlines the main constructs involved in manifesting the potential influence of website characteristics on visitor satisfaction. An instrument consists of 17 questions was designed to collect data required to evaluate the actual satisfaction of visitors with small enterprises websites. The model was tested via surveying individuals in urban New South Wales (Australia). The expectation disconfirmation theory (EDT) was employed to assess user satisfaction. The multiple regression method (MLR) technique was applied to analyse the collected data. The results demonstrated that the competence of website components is critical in shaping visitors, customers, and potential customers’ attitudes, behaviours, and satisfaction.
Keywords: Small Enterprises, Websites Applications, User Satisfaction, Perceptions, Propagation, Efficiency, Criteria, Expectation Disconfirmation Theory, Paradigm, Phenomena, Quantitative Method, Multiple Regression Method.
Organizational Effectiveness of Listed Companies in Food & Beverages sector Sultanate of Oman
►Taslim Khan - Research Scholar and G.P.Mishra
The financial conditions of Omani firms may have been the closest approximation to learn the influential effect of the country’s economy. In order to evaluate the organizational effectiveness of the Omani companies in Food and Beverages sector, the current paper is following concept on different ratio analyses to measure the company’s performance for a period of the year 2008 to year 2011. The paper clearly focuses on MSMS listed companies of Oman which are listed at the Muscat Security market (MSM) Oman, to note the level of effectiveness and performance of the Omani food & beverages companies, the paper is dependent on secondary data concerning the financial statements of various listed companies on MSM Oman. Other variables are obtained from the general economic condition of the country. Approximately 19 listed companies’ were found to be listed in the sector of food & Beverages, on The MSM website, from 19 firms 3 firms were completely into loss. The data is considered for the span of 4 years and the data of the companies which were in loss was not considered.
Keywords: Organizational effectiveness, Food& Beverages, publicly listed, Sultanate of Oman
Employee perceptions of Dollarization and the Hospitality Industry Performance.
►Kabote Forbes, Vengesayi Sebastian, Mapingure Charity, Mirimi Kumbirai, Chimutingiza Felistus and Mataruse Rumbidzai
The research was conducted to explore the employee understanding of the effects of dollarization on the performance of the hospitality industry in Zimbabwe. Using a qualitative research philosophy data was collected from 25 people using semi structured questionnaires in one of Zimbabwe’s renowned tourism resort, (Nyanga). Three key themes emerged that dollarization led to employee motivation, led to a positive social change and has led to improved economic performance of the country. The researchers concluded that dollarization had a positive impact on the performance of the hospitality industry in Zimbabwe and recommended that it should be allowed to continue in Zimbabwe for the good of the industry and the people.
Keywords: Dollarization, Hospitality sector Performance Zimbabwe,