An applied marketing model for university students' satisfaction
►Masoud Lajevardi, Sina Fakharmanesh, Javad Emami and Milad Lajevardi
Educational institutions like any other organizations are realising the significance of customers in their strategic decision-making process. The purpose of this study is primarily identifying the effective services factors on students satisfaction offered by Semnan University, secondly classification of these factors and finally determination of the priorities of any mentioned factors in the related category based on Kano's model. This study is a field method in which focus group interview was used resulted exploration of 27 effective factors for students’ satisfaction that were used as indexes for questionnaire. The questionnaire was designed in 4 parts and distributed among 384 students. The samples were chosen by stratified random sampling method students in levels of associate of arts, B.S, and Ms. Degrees. The gained data of the questionnaires were analyzed in the three stages. First a Binominal test was administered and effectiveness of 27 variables on the student s satisfaction was clarified. On the second stage, based on Kano’s model the kind of influence of 27 variables on the student s satisfaction was clarified. On the final stage, Friedman test was administered to identify the priority of the 27 influential variables on student s satisfaction.
Keywords: satisfaction, services, Kano's model – must- be requirements, one- dimensional requirements, attractive requirements.
The Influence Factors of Consumers’ Subjective Effect toward Brand Extension
►Tser-Yieth Chen and Yu-Chen Huang
This study investigates the cause and effect relationship among fit (product-country match, prototype fit and exemplar fit), brand trust (process-based trust, characteristic-based trust, and institutional-based trust) and perceived value and uses the multiple regression analysis to test the cause and effect relationship among every variable. This study focuses on those consumers who shopping at department stores in four areas in Taipei city in Taiwan using the quota sampling method. Empirical results indicate positive relationships to the targeted hypothesis: the three variables of product-country match, prototype fit, and exemplar fit will enhance perceived value through brand trust while a business launch a new product and the most important variable to affect perceived value is product-country match. Consequently, the managerial implications of this study can provide appropriate suggestions for global enterprises to develop their brand extension strategy to build positive and strong value for consumers.
Keywords: Brand Extension, Fit, Brand Trust, and Perceived Value.
►Arif Hartono
This study examines the required information and its importance that used by visitors of an education expo to select Indonesian higher education (HE) institutions. The visitors were dominated by the final year students of high schools that are located in the city of Jakarta, Indonesia. The study also investigates preferred promotional tools considered effective by the visitors that influence their choice of Indonesian HE institutions. The results indicated that the top three (in order) of the required information that used by the visitors to select Indonesian HE institutions were scholarships offered, teaching quality and faculty accreditation. Teaching quality, faculty accreditation and scholarship were the top three factors (in order) to be perceived importance by the visitors in the choice of Indonesian HE institutions. Regarding, HE promotional tools considered the most effective that influenced the visitors in selecting Indonesian HE institutions were national television, university presentation and university website. The study results provide important insight for policy makers in Indonesian HE institutions to develop marketing strategy, particularly the strategy related to recruitment and advertising, due to the visitors are potential students of Indonesian HE institutions.
Keywords: required information, selection, higher education, Indonesia
►AKINLO Anthony Enisan and ONI Isaac Oluwafemi
The paper examines the impact of microfinance on poverty alleviation in Ondo State, Nigeria. The paper is based on a survey of 240 beneficiaries of microcredit loans in Ondo State. The results of the analysis show that most beneficiaries of micro credit loans are educated youth between the age brackets of 18 and 40 years. Many of the beneficiaries utilized their loans to procure durable equipment needed in their small scale enterprises. The results show that loan empowerment has a significant positive effect on beneficiaries’ welfare. Access to credit allowed the beneficiaries take advantage of economic opportunities by providing a fundamental basis for planning and expanding business activities.
Keywords: Microfinance, Poverty Alleviation, Ondo State, Nigeria.
Evaluating Predictive power of Data Envelopment Analysis Technique Compared with Logit and Probit Models in Predicting Corporate Bankruptcy
►Khalili Araghi , Maryam and Makvandi , Sara
Simultaneous with extensive environmental changes and the rapid development of technology which has increasingly accelerated economy, competitiveness economical enterprises have restricted earning profit and make probable closing of bankrupt firms. Thus it seems necessary to find a model that can predict financial crisis and bankruptcy of companies. Nowadays occurrence of significant progress in other sciences, such as computer and math attract the attention of the financial scholars toward designing and using more exact patterns like Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). For this purpose, this study uses DEA technique to predict the bankruptcy likelihood of manufacturing firms and also compare its predictability with2 methods : Logit and Probit models. Study sample includes all manufacturing firms listed in Stock Exchange of Tehran from 2000-2010. The results showed that the accuracy of the designed model under DEA technique is %72 and the predictability of Logit and Probit models has been81, and %80 respectively. The results also showed DEA was proved to be an effective tool for predicting bankruptcy likelihood of manufacturing firms; but,it acted less efficient than Logit and Probit models.
Keywords: Bankruptcy, Data Envelopment Analysis ,Logit model, Probit model