â–ºKhalid Hussain Shaikh, Ikhtiar Ahmed Ghumro, Asif Ali Shah, Faiz M. Shaikh and Tahira Afridi
The current research investigates the HEC based training for the University teachers in Pakistan and its impact on the performance on University teachers. The Higher Education Commission (HEC) in Pakistan seeks to improve the quality of teaching by University teachers. The Commission has initiated different forms of training according to the areas of expertise in order to improve skills and impact on the performance of University teachers. HEC based training plays a crucial role in the personal development among the University Teachers in Pakistan. Survey was conducted from 200 University teachers who have recently got training from HEC skill development or professional development training from HEC from all provinces. Structural questionnaire was design for reliability and accuracy the data. Analysis and evaluation was done by using GENSTAT statistical software. Major findings of the study showed that training should be provided according to discipline and more interactive training should be design for the University teachers. It was revealed that HEC based training not only equipped with knowledge but also improving the confidence level of the University teacher. Moreover due to the government policies, rules and regulations, such as introduction of the Tenure Track System, the and hiring the foreign faculty in various all Public sector universities it also has impact on the performance of students in job market. It revealed that teacher training was beneficial for professional development as well as for teaching performance. It also suggested that improved knowledge, skills and attitudes was necessary for the teacher aides to support the teaching program and facilitate learning and communication. It was further revealed that effective teacher aides required competencies in broad areas of human relations, instructional activities, non-instructional activities, and basic skills. The study concluded that basic and advanced level training is necessary for future training programs in Pakistan and 190 respondents responded to the questionnaires, by producing 95.0% response rate. Among which 70 % were male respondents and 30% were female respondents
Keywords: Impact, Training, Development, Performance, University Teachers