The New Education Policy (NEP-2020) - Introduction of Universal Human Values (UHV) In Technical Institutions of India:
Reflections from Visvesvaraya Technological University
â–ºGayathri Reddy Kambham
â–ºVarsha Pratibha Shanthakumar (Corresponding Author)
Received:29 August, 2021
Final Revision: 25 May, 2022
Accepted: 02 June, 2022
e Published: 23 July, 2022
Education is the fundamental parameter for the human capital. The adoption of the New Education Policy-2020 (NEP, 2020) for both primary and higher education will be the new paradigm shift in education system after 34 years to bring unity and quality education. Universal Human Values (UHV) is included as a part of curriculum in the various universities and institutions. It is important to imbibe human values within engineers so that they can contribute to the society and address the social issues and live happily in the family. Universal Human Values (UHV) will bring the concept of individual conscience and ethics in technical education.
Keywords: Universal human values (UHVs), National Education Policy (NEP), Human values, Quality Education