The purpose of this study is to determine the total quality management on teacher professional development in secondary schools in Gharbia Governorate in Egypt. The study involved 66 respondents (47.4 % male & 52.6 % female) secondary school teachers’. The questionnaire consists of both Arabic language as well as English language. It consists of 28 items which includes Create Constancy of Purpose for Improvement (3 items), Adopt the New Philosophy (4 items), Improve constantly (4 items), Institute Training on The Job (9 items), Institute leadership (4 items) and Drive out Fear (4 items) subscales. This instrument was developed to assess the relationship between total quality management on teacher professional development in secondary schools. Data were analysed using frequency, percentage, independent t-test, ANOVA and Pearson Correlation test. The study found that no difference between gender and experiences on professional development. In additional, it was found that out of six dimension of Create Constancy of Purpose for Improvement, Adopt the New Philosophy, improve constantly, Institute Training on The Job, Institute leadership and Drive out Fear have positive relationship on teachers’ professional development. Finally, based on the finding of this study, I wish to suggest that for an improvement future researcher should carry out similar study not only in Gharbia state but also generally in Egypt. Besides, it recommended that should be encourage teachers of secondary school to attend training course and learn recent research and educational studies by providing financial and moral incentives. On the other hand, seminars could be held for high school teachers in order to improve their attitudes and perspectives towards professional development.
Keywords: Total Quality Management, Teacher Professional Development, Secondary School, Gharbia Governorate.