The study focuses on the efficacy of Economic and Strategic Intelligence (ESI) and its impact on the performance of organizations. The main objective is to try to give a complete overview on the problem of measuring this efficacy which is an indispensable tool for the performance of organizations. Economists, management researchers, and information and communication scientists, analyzed, compared, and evaluated improvements in this area of organizational performance. Our research problem will focus on the following question: How can we measure the efficacy of Economic and Strategic Intelligence (ESI) and its impact on the performance of organizations? In order to achieve this goal, and on the basis of a corpus of articles on this subject published in periodicals between 1982 and 2015, supplemented by the main works, papers and research reports on the subject, we propose a synthetic and critical reading which traces the contrasting history of those works, particularly about the efficacy of the ESI and its impact on the performance of organizations.The study distinguishes between different measures partial and general exposed by the authors. It exposes the governance as the instrument of complementary measure to other instruments.