â–ºMuneer Sultana and Khairul Amilin Ibrahim
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations is a geo-political and financial association of ten nations situated in Southeast Asia, which was formed on 8 August 1967 by Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. Since then, association has protracted to comprise Brunei, Burma (Myanmar), Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam. Its goals comprise hastening economic growth, social progress, and cultural progress among its members, safeguard of provincial harmony and constancy, and prospects for member countries to deliberate variances tranquilly. ASEAN has expected a better role as a universal provider of automotive, and is anticipated to nurture in prominence owing to a modest manufacture base with sturdy competencies in certain product ranges. This will increase considerably not only in terms of financial progress, but also service and technological development. ASEAN members are located in terrestrial proximity; there are economic, social and cultural gaps among the members. Therefore, the state of automotive industry differs from country to country in terms of demand, customer fondness and supply which are strong-minded by production and sales capacity of vehicles. In this context the study has been conducted to know the market share in production and sales of passenger vehicles of ASEAN countries. The study is equipped grounded on primary and secondary informations. The primary data has collected through oral interview from stalwarts of automotive industry. The secondary informations is composed from the reports of international conference of automotive industry and all existing literature has collected also from internet automotive websites, auto business magazines, e-auto journals etc. Finally suggestions have been framed and conclusions have been drawn for the study.
Keywords: Market Share, , Automotive, ASEAN Countries, Car, Motor Cycles, Conference .