Federal Employee Motivation during Government Downsizing: A Literature Review
â–ºDarrell Bratton
The federal budget crisis has come to a boiling point and federal employees are feeling the pain as well. Motivation of federal employees is a current topic that needs to be addressed as the government is downsizing at an ever increasing rate. With pay freezes, pay cuts, and now downsizing, Herzberg’s research based on the Motivation/Hygiene theory will be looked at as a way of predicting how to motivate federal employees while the government is downsizing. There is a dearth of current research related to the motivation of federal employees during downsizing. Seminal research is reviewed as well as some recent research on motivation and downsizing. From this literature review, the gap in the research reveals that future research can be based on data from the U.S. Office of Personnel Management; however, the study should be longitudinal and specific to an agency so that a representative sample can be analyzed.
Keywords: Federal employee, motivation, downsizing, cutback management