The Influence Factors of Consumers’ Subjective Effect toward Brand Extension
â–ºTser-Yieth Chen and Yu-Chen Huang
This study investigates the cause and effect relationship among fit (product-country match, prototype fit and exemplar fit), brand trust (process-based trust, characteristic-based trust, and institutional-based trust) and perceived value and uses the multiple regression analysis to test the cause and effect relationship among every variable. This study focuses on those consumers who shopping at department stores in four areas in Taipei city in Taiwan using the quota sampling method. Empirical results indicate positive relationships to the targeted hypothesis: the three variables of product-country match, prototype fit, and exemplar fit will enhance perceived value through brand trust while a business launch a new product and the most important variable to affect perceived value is product-country match. Consequently, the managerial implications of this study can provide appropriate suggestions for global enterprises to develop their brand extension strategy to build positive and strong value for consumers.
Keywords: Brand Extension, Fit, Brand Trust, and Perceived Value.