An applied marketing model for university students' satisfaction
â–ºMasoud Lajevardi, Sina Fakharmanesh, Javad Emami and Milad Lajevardi
Educational institutions like any other organizations are realising the significance of customers in their strategic decision-making process. The purpose of this study is primarily identifying the effective services factors on students satisfaction offered by Semnan University, secondly classification of these factors and finally determination of the priorities of any mentioned factors in the related category based on Kano's model. This study is a field method in which focus group interview was used resulted exploration of 27 effective factors for students’ satisfaction that were used as indexes for questionnaire. The questionnaire was designed in 4 parts and distributed among 384 students. The samples were chosen by stratified random sampling method students in levels of associate of arts, B.S, and Ms. Degrees. The gained data of the questionnaires were analyzed in the three stages. First a Binominal test was administered and effectiveness of 27 variables on the student s satisfaction was clarified. On the second stage, based on Kano’s model the kind of influence of 27 variables on the student s satisfaction was clarified. On the final stage, Friedman test was administered to identify the priority of the 27 influential variables on student s satisfaction.
Keywords: satisfaction, services, Kano's model – must- be requirements, one- dimensional requirements, attractive requirements.