An Exploratory Study of Perceived Economic Viability of Islamic Banking in Gombe Local Government Area, Gombe State, Nigeria
►Fada, Kodun Abiah
The paper set out to ascertain the viewpoints of the people of Gombe L.G.A. to review their perceptions of the economic viability of Islamic banking. The paper presents primary data collected through the use of questionnaire involving a sample of 134 respondents. The survey employs an exploratory factor analysis to examine what the respondents perceive to be the economic viability of Islamic banking in the local government area. The survey confirms that the advent of Islamic banking in the area will bring about economic benefits as it will serve as a means for financial inclusion for the financially excluded and will also serve as a potential vehicle for fund mobilization, create more employment opportunities and encourage foreign investment especially from the Middle East amongst others. However, the paper suggests that in order to actualize these economic benefits, the central bank and other relevant stakeholders including licensed Islamic banks must do enough in the area of creating awareness of Islamic banking and its relevance to the people.
Keywords: Perception, Islamic Banking, Economic Viability