Time Management and Job Performance in Selected Parastatals in Kenya
â–ºLucy Karimi Njagi and Jane Malel
The study aimed to examine the relationship between time management strategies and job performance in organizations with a particular focus on parastatals. The general objective was to find out the effects of time management strategies on the performance of selected parastatals in Kenya. The design / methodology and approach were a complex research design where statistical models of regression and correlation were used. Stratified random sampling technique was used to get the population from which we would randomly select the respondents. To test the hypothesis, z-scores were used. Further correlation coefficient revealed that there exists a positive correlation of 0.674 between time management performances. Correlation also showed that there is low positive relationship of 0.337 between the understanding of time bound performance that is measurable. The researchers conclude that time management and work performance are directly related and there is need. One recommendation that we are making is that parastatals heads should sensitize management by objectives which are measurable within a specific time frame as explained by Drucker (2000.) this is based on the fact that the research showed that 52% of the respondents do not understand results based management style driven by objectives.
Keywords: Time Management, Job Performance, Parastatals, Kenya