Using SWOT Analysis, QSPM model (one of the Top companies of Iranian Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Products Exporters' Association)
â–ºMaryam Saghaei, Leila Fazayeli and Mohammad reza shojaee
Increase in competition in local and global markets, market globalization, customers’ limitations considering the producers, lack of exclusive conditions and improvement in complete competition condition governance, rapid changes in technology, swift innovations in products have led to a complication in organizations so that preserving and improving organization situation would be impossible without a daily consideration and reacting to the environmental variable. Strategic management process provides a close estimation of environmental changes and more preparation to react toward changes and organization internal/external pressures. Applying a specific strategy based on long-term goals could result in an optimal usage of organization internal resources for taking the environmental opportunities and overcoming the threats. Using the SWOT analysis and QSPM models, the present paper tries to methodize an appropriate strategy for a lubricant manufacturing company..After completing the checklists provided to assess the strength points, weak points, opportunities, and threats, the weight and importance of each factor was defined by the company managers and they were interviewed for final conclusions. Based on the acquired data, EFE and IFE matrixes were calculated and the results were analyzed on diagrams. The results showed that the company was placed in the region of diversity strategies. These results were also confirmed by QSPM matrix. The strategy of participate in fairs to present staff and product for costumers gained the highest score and therefore, became the top priority.
Keywords: Strategic Planning, SWOT Analysis, IFE Matrix, EFE Matrix, OSPM Model.